The Main Causes of Cancer

 The Main Causes of Cancer

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Cancer is a complex group of diseases that have many possible causes. We’ve put together a comprehensive list of things from which you can learn more about the known and possible causes of cancer, along with general information about carcinogens and how genetics play an important role in cancer.

Smoking & Tobacco

All cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco are made from harmful dried tobacco leaves. A number of other substances are added to the leaves for flavor and to make the smoking experience more pleasant. The smoke from these products is a deadly and complex mixture of chemicals produced by burning tobacco and all its additives at least 70 of which are known to cause cancer, also referred to as carcinogens

Diet & Physical Activity

You may wonder how much daily habits like diet and exercise affect your risk for cancer. The answer is much more than you might think. Extensive research has shown that a poor diet and not being very active are 2 key factors that can increase a person’s cancer risk exponentially.

Here’s what you can do about this.

Besides, of course, quitting smoking, some of the most important things you can do to help reduce your risk of cancer are:

  • Get to and work to stay at a healthy weight throughout your life.
  • Stay physically active on a regular basis.
  • Make healthier food choices with a focus on more plant-based foods.

Common Causes

The Sun & Radiation

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation comes from the sun and some man-made sources like tanning beds (a big no-no). You can learn more about UV and how to reduce your risk of skin cancer from many trusted online sources.

When talking about radiation and cancer risk, people often think about x-rays and gamma rays. Learn what we know about these types of high-energy radiation and how they contribute to cancer.

Virus & Other Infections

Several infections caused by specific viruses, bacteria, and other germs may significantly increase a person’s risk for certain types of cancer.


Some families are more prone to certain cancers, but most aren’t clearly linked to genes you inherit from your parents. The gene mutations that start in a single cell over the course of a person’s life cause most cancers.

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